Documentary film Starring the families of MPM Haiti is ready for release
Look for our "Documentary Film" tab coming soon.
Filmmakers traveled to Haiti with Executive Director in May 2013 and their short films feature the families MPM Haiti work closely with.
Focusing on specific individuals in Haiti and their story, this short documentary questions the mass media’s one-dimensional representation of the Haitian culture.
Erin Turney - Director
Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) Focus Groups in Haiti
May 2013 - MPM Haiti's US & Haiti staff facilitated a series of focus groups in the internationally-recognized PRA style to determine the community's needs and wants as MPM Haiti grows.
Be part of the process of assessing and addressing needs in the community. Keep updated via our e-newsletter. Contribute $15, $25, or $50 and become part of this community.
All the content on MPM Haiti's websites is Creative Commons, non-commercial, with attribution license. Permission is given to use our photos, stories, and videos for articles, fundraising, class projects, papers, or presentations. For more information about the Haiti, visit our Learn More page. Please notify us of any broken links.
Click on the map to learn more about Haiti's history, culture, language, & more